Let’s Unlearn Together

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knowledge is power. Yet we rarely pause to examine how knowledge is obtained, shared, and whose knowledge is validated and respected. If we ever pause to investigate our closely held ideas, understanding of the world, and even “common sense”, we might discover that it is based on someone else’s idea of what we should value. And in most cases that is tied to some form of control.

I believe that racial domination plays a central role in creating systems of power and privilege which lead to inequities in our society. The interaction of race with all other forms of marginalization compounds the effects and exacerbates the outcomes.

As a result, I focus my work on racial justice and center race in my writing, analysis, and examinations of society’s systems of values, merits, and ideals. However, learning the truths and purpose of systems of dominations is the initial step in attempting to correct the historical harms inflicted on communities. The learning should lead to actions that mitigate the detrimental outcomes that we have become accustomed to and to some degree began to conceive them as natural and unavoidable. All policies, laws, and systems were created by people. Let us imagine and build a different world where one’s minoratized identity does not automatically mean harsher life filled with subjugation, lower quality of life, and in some cases premature mortality.